
Only pay for what you use. Don’t get stalled by contracts or capacity planning. Free tier of 500 devices & 5,000 loads for your activated events. 

  • Free Trial

    Test live tracking & add-ons


    Interactive map (watermarked)


    Live & recap

    Live tracking athletes

    Racemap App, GPS tracker, Upload recorded activities

    Real-time prediction

    Transponder reads from timekeeping

    Elevation & statistics

    Speed, Distance from start, distance to go, Estimated time of arrival, Gap, ...

    Event cycle


  • Map

    Use the full scope


    Hosted, interactive map


    Live & recap

    Live tracking athletes

    Racemap App, GPS tracker, Upload recorded activities

    Real-time prediction

    Transponder reads from timekeeping

    Elevation & statistics

    Speed, Distance from start, distance to go, Estimated time of arrival, Gap, ...

    Event cycle

    90 days

    €25 + VAT*

Free Trial


  • Test live tracking & add-ons

    Use the full scope

  • Visualization

    Interactive map (watermarked)

    Hosted, interactive map

  • Broadcasting

    Live & recap

    Live & recap

  • Live tracking athletes

    Racemap App, GPS tracker, Upload recorded activities

    Racemap App, GPS tracker, Upload recorded activities

  • Real-time prediction

    Transponder reads from timekeeping

    Transponder reads from timekeeping

  • Elevation & statistics

    Speed, Distance from start, distance to go, Estimated time of arrival, Gap, ...

    Speed, Distance from start, distance to go, Estimated time of arrival, Gap, ...

  • Event cycle

    90 days

Test add-ons in your trial events. Data API, monitor, and leaderboard are limited to two devices. To use the full scope you can activate the trial event anytime.

No charge of devices and loads of your trial events.

One event cycle lasts for 90 days. Cycles cover the period when the event is live, as determined by the specified start and end times. At the beginning of a cycle charges for map and used add-ons apply. 

For events that have not yet started, you can adjust the start and end times. The first cycle is initiated when the event becomes live incurring charges for the map and used add-ons. If your event duration exceeds the cycle length, a new cycle starts, incurring additional charges. 

Once your event ends no further charges are incurred. 

If you want to use your event again, simply reactivate the event, with no charges during the pause period

Monthly billing of devices & loads

For activated events, only.

  • Devices

    up to 500 | free every month
    501 to 1,000 | €1 + VAT*1,001+ | €0.25 + VAT*
    per device

    monthly number of devices in your account

  • Loads

    up to 5,000 | free every month
    5,001 to 50,000 | €25 + VAT*50,001+ | €10 + VAT*
    per 1,000 loads

    monthly loads in your account

    Devices become chargeable by sending data related to the start- and finish time of an activated event.
    A device is anything that causes geolocations. A device may be a smartphone, a GPS tracker, an uploaded activity, timing equipment such as transponders.
    A device is charged for a period of 7 days from the first timestamp. If there is more data different from this period additional devices become chargeable.
    Each page view of tracking maps, each loading of leaderboards or monitors, and each query of data API is one load. 
    You may archive your events in order to limit loads.

Just contact us with any questions or for an estimate of costs.

Estimate costs for live tracking & geolocating your sports event. Check also our customer stories

Tracking Maps

Devices up to 500 | free

Loads up to 5,000 | free

Choose add-ons for each event

Charge for up to 3 months according activated event.

Data API€50 + VAT*

● for TV graphics, speed monitoring, live scoring● location, distance to go, time of arrival, gap, timestamps● effortless live data from your event for 3rd party applications

Leaderboard€50 + VAT*

● for virtual races & for regular events ● live rank & results with location data & geofences● virtual timestamps without hardware for timekeeping 

Monitor€50 + VAT*

● battery state, alerts, lost track, and much more● security & organization features in one dashboard ● precise information of what's going on in your event

Sponsor Logo€50 + VAT*

● highlight a logo with a link● advertising space in tracking map & in leaderboard

Upgrades for your tracking solution

Custom App€100 + VAT* | per month

Customizations. Your App available in a separate store appearance. Select events to deploy in your branded App. 

m2m SIM Card€5 + VAT* | 10 cards per month

Live data for tracking, timekeeping, etc. Multi-provider, m2m cards use the best available network, incl. LTE. Traffic charges from €0.15 per MB, separately.


GPS Live Tracker€110 + VAT* | Rent 5 GPS trackers

Keep track of the leading group, broom wagon, VIPs or ambulances. Trackers can be used together with Racemap App and with predictive tracking, also.


Tracker Management€1 + VAT* | per month

GPRS communication platform. Bulk configuration of multiple trackers: battery control, report interval, sleep mode, SOS alert, and much more.

Setup Service€50 + VAT* | each

Save your time! We create your tracking maps in your Racemap account with the best settings to meet the requirements of your event.

Keys€1 + VAT* | each

Seamless sign-up for live tracking and convenient match of participants' smartphones with specific information from online registration. Perfect for B2C selling in 3rd party systems. No charge for unused keys.

Customer stories

Adapt live tracking to small projects and even the largest races

Heading photo

Tracking map & passcode

Seven cyclists uphill a pass in the Alpes. A friend accompanies the group by car to provide refreshments and motivation. To manage breaks and to avoid wasting time, they create an unlisted tracking map for this bike tour. 
Three cyclists already own a Racemap tracker and add their devices to this tracking map. The other four cyclists use the free Racemap App. Redeeming the free passcode they activate their app for live tracking this specific map. The car driver keeps track of all seven cyclists on his mobile. They have a perfect day.

ACTIVATION€25* base price
MONTHLY BILLINGOne registers a new Racemap account. For that reason devices and loads from this tour only are billed in the new account, as no previous event exists.€0 => 7 devices covered with free tier
€0 => 255 loads covered with free tier

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Tracking map & data API

A TV broadcaster uses GPS devices every weekend for another cycling event. 6 GPS trackers are mounted at the camera motorcycles and real-time data for speed, gap, and distance to go are called every 2 sec from the data API.
To save time and costs creating new tracking maps every weekend the broadcaster uses the same tracking map every weekend, just updating the settings and the race course. 

ACTIVATION€25* base price, every three months 
add-on: data API€50* every three months 
MONTHLY BILLING24 devices €0 => 24 free devices credited
45,212 loads€0 => 5,000 free monthly loads credited€1,025* for 40,212 loads
€1,050* = €25 + €1,025

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Tracking map, sponsor logo & rent GPS trackers

A trail run aims to collect donations for a charity project. Nine athletes running, additional four vehicles accompany logistical support such as routing. For publicity and for safety reasons, all 13 participants are tracked in the live visualization. The race organizer embedded the group map of all 3 stages on his website, to show his project to the community. The project is supported by a sponsor who adds his logo with its link. To have maximum reliability the organizer decides to rent Pro GPS Trackers instead of using our free Tracking App. 

ACTIVATION3 tracking maps, for each stage one map€75* = 3 * €25 base price 
MONTHLY BILLING€0 => 13 devices covered with free tier
The organizer uses Racemap for a couple of years. He has created maps and tracked several projects, he keeps the replays to show his community. For that reason, loads for previous events are recorded. 5,571 monthly loads (4,215 for current event, 1,356 for replays of previous projects)€0 => 5,000 free loads€25* for 571 loads
add-on: sponsor logo in 3 tracking maps€150* = 3 * €50
Rent Pro GPS trackers, price level 5 to 19 devices, 1 weekend€286* = 13 devices * €22 per device*
TOTAL€536* = €75 + €25 + €150 + €286

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Tracking map & keys

The time keeper manages live tracking for a big 24hr MTB relay with many teams. To monetize the tracking service, keys are sold directly with the online registration. For an additional €10 the participants receive a key to activate tracking in Racemap App. 1,780 participants registered for the race. The race starts SAT at 12.00 PM and finishes SUN at 12.00 PM.

ACTIVATION€25* base price
MONTHLY BILLING635 devices €0 => 500 free devices€135* for 135 devices
103,179 loads€0 => 5,000 free loads€1,125* for 45,000 loads€540* for 53,179 loads
add-on: keys - As Live Tracking supports the teams for transition many participants paid for the tracking option and 635 keys were used in Racemap App.€635* = 635 * €1
TOTAL - the regular pricing amounts to€2,460* = €25 + €135 + €1,125 + €540 + €635€3.89* for each participant who joined live tracking
As the timekeeper uses Racemap as a reseller, he uses the tracking solution with an attractive discount on the regular pricing.

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Tracking map, archived tracking map & set-up service

The race director of a city marathon set-up live tracking to offer his participants, spectators and speaker exciting real-time information of his running event. Athletes use the free Racemap App to join tracking - no additional effort for the staff on-site. To save valuable time the race organizer books Racemap to create the needed maps and settings such as points of interest, group map for all 3 contests.

ACTIVATION3 tracking maps, for 10K contest, 21K & 42K each one map€75* = 3 * €25 base price
MONTHLY BILLING1,201 devices, 450 Apps signed up for 10K, 441 for 21K, 310 for 42K€0 => 500 free devices€500* for 500 devices€50.25* for 201 devices
The race director uses Racemap for three years, now. To prevent spectators from generating loads with the old events, he archives the replays one month before the next big race. 58,349 monthly loads for all 3 tracking maps €0 => 5,000 free monthly loads credited€1,125* for 45,000 loads€90* for 8,349 loads
set-up service for 3 tracking maps€150* = 3 * €50
TOTAL€1,990.25* = €75 + €500 + €50.25 + €1,125 + €90 + €150€1.66* for each participant who used live tracking

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Endless session

A race timer uses GPS devices almost every weekend for another event e.g. for live tracking ambulances, lead vehicles, the sweep wagon, and VIPs. In most cases, the visualization is for the safety and monitoring purposes of the race office and not for the public.
To save time and costs creating new tracking maps every weekend the timekeeper subscribed to a tracking map with an individual URL related to his business: 

ACTIVATION€25* base price, every three months
TOTAL - the pricing amounts to€100* each year
In case of using add-ons like data feed or monitor €50* per add-on, every three months become chargeable, additionally. 

Heading photo

Tracking map, keys & data API

A race organizer sells online a virtual challenge of running 500K within two months for €25. Participants contribute their activities flexibly with Racemap App or with a fitness tracker. They can run any time, anywhere and as often as they want. The key matches multiple activities to a specific participant. Live rank and result list are provided by a 3rd party solution. Therefore the virtual timestamps are pulled from Racemap data API every 5min. 1,318 participants join the virtual race.

ACTIVATION€25* base price
MONTHLY BILLING in 1st & 2nd month of the event3,112 devices - Participants upload data from many activities within the two months. After 7 days an additional device is charged.  €0 => 1,000 (2x 500) free devices credited €1,000* for 1,000 devices€278* for 1,109 devices
185,937 loads - 18,000 loads of data feed every 5min for two months and 167,937 loads of live map €0 => 10,000 (2x 5,000) free loads€2,250* for 90,000 loads €860* for 85,937 loads
add-on: data feed€50*
add-on: keys - Each participant uses a key to enable Racemap App or to upload activities.€1,318* = 1,318 * €1
TOTAL - the regular pricing amounts to€5,781* = €25 + €1,000 + €278 + €2,250 + €860 + €50 + €1,318€4.39* for each participant who joined the virtual challenge
As the organizer uses Racemap as a reseller, he uses the tracking solution with an attractive discount on the regular pricing.

Reseller discount

Do you want to work as a reseller and use Racemap tracking solution with an attractive discount? Just ask for our complete pricing list.

    Time keeper or event manager? 
    Tracking 10+ events each year?
    Work with own GPS trackers?

*VAT may be applicable depending on your country and legal entity.